Monday, April 18, 2011

Start me up...

Well hello friends! This is a new thing for me...blogging. I remember the days of livejournal and all the drama that comes with it, but I promise this will not be one of those blogs. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, and I have a lot of opinions, struggles, joys, and humorous stories to share. I'm going to say this now, I am not a grammar and spelling perfectionist, I will do my best, however I will probably blog how I talk and think. Plus, wouldn't that make it easier to hear my lovely voice in your head when you read my entries? ;-)

I imagine this blog will contain lots of wedding stuff, stories about my groomzilla Chris (believe me, having a groomzilla is a wonderful thing, and I wouldn't change it for the world), recipes, adventures, misadventures, preschool shenanigans, and my love for my friends and family. Sounds good eh?

Oh and a shiny quarter goes to the person who can guess where the title of my blog comes from! :-)



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